Gary Gensler đăng dòng tweet “kỳ lạ” về Satoshi Nakamoto

Gary Gensler đăng dòng tweet “kỳ lạ” về Satoshi Nakamoto


Gary Gensler posts a ‘weird’ tweet Satoshi Nakamoto

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler Posted on Twitter A vague message is causing headaches for many in the cryptocurrency community.

Gensler tweeted: “If Cong Satoshi Nakamoto in a Halloween costume is Satoshi Nakamoto, can we recognize him?

While the tweet may have been intended to be humorous or thought-provoking, its context lacked meaning and was somewhat ridiculous.Try to make a connection between blurred images Satoshi Nakamotoanonymous founder Bitcoin, wearing strange and inappropriate Halloween costumes. Gensler seemed to be trying to mix mild congratulations with serious warnings. This mixture is not suitable.

Beyond the awkwardness of the tweet, there’s a deeper issue: Gensler’s one-sided view of the cryptocurrency industry. Under his leadership, the SEC’s approach was often viewed as outdated and incapable of understanding the complexities of the rapidly evolving digital asset landscape.

Rather than encouraging innovation and promoting safe rules, the regulatory framework creates obstacles for the industry and does not necessarily make investors safer.

This tweet, which seems to be an attempt to combine celebration and warning, sums up this asynchronous approach. This is an unfortunate reflection of a disjointed regulatory mindset, which often seems more concerned with hindering than understanding and supporting.

Additionally, recent reports showing weaknesses in the cryptocurrency industry have highlighted the need for a more effective and modern regulatory approach. In the first quarter of 2023 alone, 57 cryptocurrency thefts occurred.

If this trend continues, as many as 228 accidents could occur throughout the year. With such alarming numbers, one might expect the focus to be on collaborative strategies and modern solutions rather than oddly structured tweets.

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