Bitget integrates Web3 wallet, combining security with DeFi features

Bitget integrates Web3 wallet, combining security with DeFi features


Bitjet Integration Network 3 Wallet, a combination of security and power Decentralized Finance

Popular cryptocurrency exchange Bitget has integrated its Web3 wallet with the exchange. Wallet integration will connect services such as Swap, Decentralized exchange (decentralized exchange), market NFT and other decentralized applications (dApps) with exchanges.According to reports, the wallet integration will open up DeFi functions in the centralized finance (CeFi) ecosystem of Bitget Exchange notify of the company.

Bitget has integrated a digital wallet into its platform, one of the DeFi projects promoted by the exchange. In December 2022, Bitget launched the MegaSwap DeFi aggregator, allowing trading of more than 10,000 tokens from 10 leading decentralized exchanges at competitive prices.

Bitget continues to expand its business and became the controlling shareholder of the multi-chain wallet BitKeep in April 2023. BitKeep subsequently changed its name to Bitget Wallet.

The Bitget Wallet is a step forward for Bitget in the DeFi space, providing users with in-house storage and asset management. Through this latest integration, Bitget aims to become a comprehensive trading platform that combines the advantages of CeFi security and convenience with the potential of DeFi.In addition, the wallet has an NFT market and browser dApp Promote the development of Bitget in the DeFi field.

The integration of Bitget wallet into its platform is a new step for CeFi services to integrate DeFi services into its platform. Binance The most prominent example of existing Web3 wallets in their application is.According to the press release BitjetThe integration of Web3 with the CEX platform will bring many new cryptocurrency products and services to users.

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