Modulus raises nearly $7 million to bring ZK Verified AI to blockchain

Modulus raises nearly $7 million to bring ZK Verified AI to blockchain


Modulus raises nearly $7 million to introduce ZK Verified AI Blockchain

Modulus, a startup using technology Zero-knowledge (ZK) verification of artificial intelligence results (WHO) for public blockchains, raised $6.3 million in seed funding.

Early-stage venture capital firm Variant and 1kx co-led this round of financing

“At its core is zero-knowledge machine learning (zkML): ML models with provably accurate computations, whether the computations are processed in an open environment or in a private centralized server.”

“The result? AI agents and ML models can now start acting as natural extensions of logic smart contract“.

Modulus claims that it has proposed a specialized ZK proof method for artificial intelligence, called Residual, that can significantly reduce costs.

The startup stated:

“Proving that a dedicated ZK built specifically for AI can bring extremely powerful AI capabilities to dApps at low cost.”

By the way, a Decentralized applications AI users don’t have to worry about results being manipulated because “zero-knowledge cryptography allows us to verify that an AI model performs ‘correctly’ without revealing the secrets behind the model,” Modulus said.

Example? Variant partners Jesse Walden and Alana Levin said:

“Modulus’ first tests – an online trading bot and a ZK-powered chess engine – are two early examples of this new model.”

They added:

“Another use case could involve something like a lending protocol that leverages artificial intelligence to manage loan collateralization rates (usually coordinated by humans) while also leveraging proof-of-zk to ensure the model operates as specified.”

multi-chain monstercalling itself a “gaming and collecting ecosystem NFT The largest multi-chain Network 3“, using modulus, states:

“We introduce zkMon, the world’s first on-chain AI artist, announcing its groundbreaking ZKP NFT series.”

As far as we know, Modulus does not have a token, but in a way, it is similar to a token chain linkwhich provides data sources for dapps.

We’re not talking about cryptocurrency prices here, but AI inputs, albeit verified ones. However, the weak link in these links is usually a certain type of man in the attacking midfield.

You can validate input any way you want, but if someone intercepts it and provides different input to the contract, the results can be hacked.

Many hacks in dapps occur exactly this way, but this enhances the overall “connectivity” of technology throughout the process, making the addition of AI potentially interesting for category management investments.

information Bitcoin Synthetic.


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