Avalanche gia nhập Cosmos thông qua IBC

Avalanche gia nhập Cosmos thông qua IBC


Avalanche joins universe By International Bulk Company

avalanche, one Blockchain According to the latest update from the Interchain Foundation, high-throughput consensus using the Snow protocol will join Cosmos (ICF) October 31.

The Interchain Foundation, a non-profit organization that manages the Cosmos ecosystem, revealed that the Landslide Network, a platform that connects the IBC platform with Avalanche, is developing a lightweight client on Avalanche.

The client links the scalable layer to Cosmos Hub and other compatible blockchains, including Kava and BNB Chain. The Cosmos Hub is key to the ecosystem as it allows other blockchains to connect and communicate seamlessly through IBC.

Will DeFi benefit from Avalanche joining Cosmos?

Landslide launched its incentivized testnet on November 1, marking the first concrete step towards inter-blockchain communication (IBC) connecting Avalanche.

The ICF said the goal will be to promote decentralized finance activities (Decentralized Finance), allowing assets to flow freely between the two ecosystems.


Technically, Avalanche is not compatible with IBC and Cosmos, as these two networks, although popular, use Consensus Algorithm different.

For example, Avalanche uses the Snow protocol, while Cosmos and other Cosmos-enabled blockchains rely on the Tendermint consensus mechanism. Therefore, connecting them without customization or bridging is very complicated.

This connection is exactly what Landslide aims to solve with the support of the Cosmos development team.Once resolved, it could provide more opportunities for developers and protocols on both networks, despite lagging behind other networks Ethereum But they are still relatively active, with the total value locked (TVL) in their DeFi applications reaching hundreds of millions of dollars.

At the core of what Landslide is building is IBC, which supports secure communication and data transfer protocols.

The solution is built on the Cosmos Software Development Kit (SDK). It is inherently designed to be secure, efficient, and scalable.

DeFi still falls, ATOM and AVAX prices stabilize

While the goal is to reinvigorate and potentially increase liquidity in DeFi, activity remains relatively quiet.

Over the past 18 months, TLV has narrowed below the $50 billion mark as activity remains concentrated Ethereumcommunicate smart contract The largest in the world.

According to DeFiLlama data on November 1, the total TVL is approximately $42 billion, of which the Ethereum protocol manages more than $22 billion.

this Decentralized applications Avalanche controls over $539 million, while Cosmos Hub’s dapp has just under $1 million.

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AVAX and ATOM prices are stable, above their Q3 2023 lows, and technically bullish.However, like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), the bullish momentum is fading and prices may pull back in the coming sessions.

Bitcoin News Synthetic.


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